Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Sister Rocks!!!

When I was 2 1/2 years old my world changed permanently.  A new sister came to live in my house.  A sister they would not let me hold.  A sister that looked like a baby doll.  But, they would not let me cuddle her like a baby doll.  Or throw her over my shoulder and cart her around like I carried the cat.  So one night, when she was only a few days old and I had had enough of being told not to touch her, I snuck into the room where she was sleeping.  I crept toward the cradle and gently tried to pick her up.  I had her almost out of the crib when she started to cry.  I did the only thing a ratted out 2 year old could do, I dropped her and ran to hide.   I am told that her belly button came out that day!!  And so began our tumultuous relationship.  Through the years we shared.  We shared rooms, clothes, and friends.  We fought, we laughed and we shared.  We are adults now and we live in separate states.  But we still share.  Now we share heartache, achievement, and joy.  We still laugh,we still fight, and we still share!!!!  We share a love for each other that only a sister can understand.  I love you SIS!!  Happy Valentines Day!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wayne's Market

While supplies last WAYNE'S COUNTRY MARKET HAS BLUEBERRY'S, PINEAPPLE AND RED RASPBERRIES FOR $.99and boy are they good!!!  I also found chipped ham $2.49lb, Cherries $.99lb and 10lbs of bannanna's for $2.99.

It's a good day to check out Wayne's!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thank You Dr. King!! Happy MLK Day

My 10 year old daughter is becoming quite a writer.  She wants to enter a contest for Black History Month and she decided to write about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  I insisted that she first read a biography of his life.  She just emerged from her room crying and mad.  She got to the part of his life in 1956 where his house was bombed while his wife and child were inside.  Madison threw the book at me and said," I am not reading this anymore.  Those people are mean!! "  I went in and read the rest of the chapter to her.  It ended in the Supreme court ruling that bus segregation was illegal.  Madison and I then had a long talk about bravery.  I asked her why Dr. King did what he did.  She answered that he knew it was wrong not to treat all people with respect.  That we were all created by God and all deserved to be treated equally. (yeah, she is so smart!!) I then asked her if she thought Dr. King was scared when he was threatened and scared when his house was bombed.  She said, "Of course he was mom."  I then asked her why she thought he went on anyway.  Why didn't he stop?  We decided together that when you know God has called you to stand for what you know is right you must stand ; there is no other choice.  I then talked to Madison about how sometimes standing for what you know is right might cause you pain,embarrassment or even harm, yet it is often worth the risk.  Although Dr. King paid the ultimate price and so did his family, our nation is a better place because he became who he was born to be.  Then we prayed.  We thanked God for giving Dr. King the courageous spirit he had.  We thanked Him for Dr. King's family and asked God to bless them and give them peace as the world remembers him.  We know that they sacrificed too.  And then I prayed over Madison that God would make her courageous.  That he would pour his love upon her in away that no matter what obstacle she faced she would be brave enough to stand!!  I laid with her for awhile as she sobbed, really moved by the words she had read and sad that people were so cruel.  I am sorry that we still live in a world where man's inhumanity to man is so evident;however, I am thankful that we live in a world where when good men do something evil does not flourish!!  Thank you Dr. King for ridding this world of some evil.  May we not forget your sacrifice.  May we be brave enough to stand in the face of evil ourselves and not let it win!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Free Fish Oil

Be one of the first 40,000 to go here and receive a free sample, plus a coupon.  You must push the like button and then go to the GIVEAWAY TAB.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pushed into the Wardrobe

Have you ever read, "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis?  If you have seen the movie, but not read the book you should check it out!!

The movie doesn't do a good job of showing how all 4 kids end up together in the wardrobe.  They are playing a game and the annoyed housekeeper is heard coming with tour guests.  When they go down the right hallway they hear her coming.  When they go down the left hallway they hear her coming.  When they slip into the only room near them, they hear her about to open the door.  So they do the only thing they can, they slip into the wardrobe.  They still hear her coming so they have to slide behind the coats to hide.  And that's when it happens the wardrobe leads them to a new world a new adventure.

Sometimes, that's how life happens to us.  No matter what we do we are pushed into a certain direction.  It has only been recently that I have seen this as a positive in my life.  Sometimes I am so busy being busy that I miss the direction that I should go.  I know the whisperings are there, but I am not listening, or I can't hear it over the noise in my own head. 

Sometimes it feels like frustration.........no matter which way I turn things don't pan out so I must try this.........actually I am just being pushed into the wardrobe!!!  When I finally get where I belong the adventure begins.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Results Not Activity

I work at a 2 yr college.  While in a meeting about the Colleges current state of affairs our President stated that we must make sure that we are producing RESULTS not JUST ACTIVITY. 

This so struck me that I wrote it down and have been thinking about it all day.  That is true in every area of our life isn't it???  It is very easy to confuse the two.

Have you ever felt like you were exhausted, but you haven't really done anything???  My Mema calls it running around like a chicken with your head cut off.  Usually the result of that is just an awful mess to clean up!!

In my own life, asking myself this question in each area may help me to gain some control.  I do alot of things with my children, but which one's actually matter??? 

In my work life, I spend alot of time there, but what am I really producing??

In my financial life, I work hard, I spend on what I need, but I never seem to have enough. Could it be that I am full of activity that doesn't produce a fruitful result??

In my Christian Life, I am busy about Church business most of the time, but am I necessarily producing the results My Father desires or am I making myself feel righteous by being busy??

I have to say that I don't really like the answer to most of these questions!!  But, it is only when a person is honest enough to ask them, that they begin to grow and change. The only thing you can be sure of in life is that it will change.  The question is will it change because I am busy with activity or because my activity is the right kind and it is producing results??  I hope it is the latter kind!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kindness Challenge

Whether you are ready or not the holidays are about to be upon us.  And before you get lost in the hustle and bustle of holiday life I would like to issue you a challenge.  I would like  you to take 5 minutes,sit down with a piece of paper, and think about 5 people you know.  The only rules are they can't be family, they can't be your best friend and they need to be someone you talk to less than three times a week.  Write down each of their names and how you know them.  Then beside their name I want you to write something kind that you know about them or could say to them.  Now I want you to commit to tell that nice thing to that person before Wednesday of next week.  You choose how you do it.  Send them an email or a facebook message.  Write them a card and snail mail it them. Call them or tell them in person.  Even if this is uncomfortable to you.  It's a great way to stretch yourself.  Even if you think you are a giver, it's an easy way to give more. 

Did you know that during the holiday season more people commit suicide than in any other time of year?  Yes, many are people who have always dealt with depression, but many are people who just feel unloved, invisible, or worthless.  Many have lost jobs, families and hope.  Many don't think anyone see them or notice they exists.  If they don't matter than why does their life.  Many are people you think have it all together.  They look strong and confident and sure of themselves.  Yet inside they wonder why do I even bother. 

The five people you choose may be secretly wishing someone would pay attention to them.  They maybe hoping they are noticed.  They may not realize anyone thinks of them at all.  They may be in such a desperate place that a kind word is like a hand up. 

Let's start the holiday out with a giving heart.  Let's give of ourselves first and then the material things.