Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kindness Challenge

Whether you are ready or not the holidays are about to be upon us.  And before you get lost in the hustle and bustle of holiday life I would like to issue you a challenge.  I would like  you to take 5 minutes,sit down with a piece of paper, and think about 5 people you know.  The only rules are they can't be family, they can't be your best friend and they need to be someone you talk to less than three times a week.  Write down each of their names and how you know them.  Then beside their name I want you to write something kind that you know about them or could say to them.  Now I want you to commit to tell that nice thing to that person before Wednesday of next week.  You choose how you do it.  Send them an email or a facebook message.  Write them a card and snail mail it them. Call them or tell them in person.  Even if this is uncomfortable to you.  It's a great way to stretch yourself.  Even if you think you are a giver, it's an easy way to give more. 

Did you know that during the holiday season more people commit suicide than in any other time of year?  Yes, many are people who have always dealt with depression, but many are people who just feel unloved, invisible, or worthless.  Many have lost jobs, families and hope.  Many don't think anyone see them or notice they exists.  If they don't matter than why does their life.  Many are people you think have it all together.  They look strong and confident and sure of themselves.  Yet inside they wonder why do I even bother. 

The five people you choose may be secretly wishing someone would pay attention to them.  They maybe hoping they are noticed.  They may not realize anyone thinks of them at all.  They may be in such a desperate place that a kind word is like a hand up. 

Let's start the holiday out with a giving heart.  Let's give of ourselves first and then the material things. 

1 comment:

  1. What if you can't think of anything nice to say?...jk
    Good idea cause we reap what we sow.
