I work at a 2 yr college. While in a meeting about the Colleges current state of affairs our President stated that we must make sure that we are producing RESULTS not JUST ACTIVITY.
This so struck me that I wrote it down and have been thinking about it all day. That is true in every area of our life isn't it??? It is very easy to confuse the two.
Have you ever felt like you were exhausted, but you haven't really done anything??? My Mema calls it running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Usually the result of that is just an awful mess to clean up!!
In my own life, asking myself this question in each area may help me to gain some control. I do alot of things with my children, but which one's actually matter???
In my work life, I spend alot of time there, but what am I really producing??
In my financial life, I work hard, I spend on what I need, but I never seem to have enough. Could it be that I am full of activity that doesn't produce a fruitful result??
In my Christian Life, I am busy about Church business most of the time, but am I necessarily producing the results My Father desires or am I making myself feel righteous by being busy??
I have to say that I don't really like the answer to most of these questions!! But, it is only when a person is honest enough to ask them, that they begin to grow and change. The only thing you can be sure of in life is that it will change. The question is will it change because I am busy with activity or because my activity is the right kind and it is producing results?? I hope it is the latter kind!!
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