Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pushed into the Wardrobe

Have you ever read, "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis?  If you have seen the movie, but not read the book you should check it out!!

The movie doesn't do a good job of showing how all 4 kids end up together in the wardrobe.  They are playing a game and the annoyed housekeeper is heard coming with tour guests.  When they go down the right hallway they hear her coming.  When they go down the left hallway they hear her coming.  When they slip into the only room near them, they hear her about to open the door.  So they do the only thing they can, they slip into the wardrobe.  They still hear her coming so they have to slide behind the coats to hide.  And that's when it happens the wardrobe leads them to a new world a new adventure.

Sometimes, that's how life happens to us.  No matter what we do we are pushed into a certain direction.  It has only been recently that I have seen this as a positive in my life.  Sometimes I am so busy being busy that I miss the direction that I should go.  I know the whisperings are there, but I am not listening, or I can't hear it over the noise in my own head. 

Sometimes it feels like matter which way I turn things don't pan out so I must try this.........actually I am just being pushed into the wardrobe!!!  When I finally get where I belong the adventure begins.

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